
Hi, I am Sandra Barba, a Certified RTT Therapist.  Guiding Transformation with Passion and Purpose!

Go Find Yourself…

Go find yourself… but what does that really mean? I mean really… does that imply that I am actually lost? Not necessarily, but maybe spiritually…. what does that mean… As human beings occupying this land we call earth, we know we intellectual, physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual beings. We know we can always fill up our intellectual tank when learning a new skill, reading a new book, engaging in a conversation, anything to acquire new

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Be light, be love, be joyful… or just be.

As another year comes to close, a transition or a personal transformation is in the works… and I am loving every moment of it… because my heart and spirit are in alignment with it. Whether the transition or transformation is intentional or not, it makes me realize I am a spirited soul in a human body able to put challenges on myself so I can continue to grow and live life fully. This makes me

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An impression can be observed from quite a few angles but the angle I choose to see it is from an act of love and romance. Oh romance… Where do we see the word these days? Hardly anywhere I might say,,,, other than on the front covers of those books seen while waiting on the grocery lines or lined up in your local public library. But wait, romance is very very real and not merely

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The Season of Love and Self-Preservation

Acts of love come in all shapes and sizes. All it takes is the willingness of the giver to have a genuine intention of wanting to perform the action from the soft, yet strong place we all have deep within ourselves. To define it, love is… nature in all its beauty when taking a walk along a grassy field… love is… the beautiful feeling of being enamored… love is… the feeling your heart has skipped

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Press Pause… then Play… Rewind… You are in Control…

If you go to your playlist of songs, what songs stand out to you? Why? What memories do you hold when you first heard that song? What about the lyrics? What do the lyrics mean to you? After all, a song is congruent to a ‘poem’, but with musical notes attached to it. Music has the power to transport you to other places and thoughts, similar to a book I might add. A song can

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Who is driving today?

The driver today is the driver that was yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and so on… However, was your mindset in the right place today, what about yesterday? The thoughts that accompany your mind can speak volumes, therefore, careful attention to your thoughts can help you reach your desired destination. Case in point… were you smiling as you remembered that tender message your S.O. sent you or did you remember you forgot to run

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